Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Maker Faire

There were people:

Maker Faire 2009

There were robots:

Maker Faire 2009

There was fiber:

Maker Faire 2009

There was Kinnearing (Cookie A.):

Cookie A. Kinneared

There were sculptures:

Odd Tree

Recycled Flower

There were wings:

Giant Wings

There was philosophy:

Maker Faire 2009

We stayed until the faire ended this year, which is a big deal because usually we're too pooped to walk by 3PM or so. I said hello to lots of fibery people, but didn't buy anything because rent was due the following day! We got to hear Adam Savage speak on failure which was really awesome and, to me, incredibly professionally relevant. It was ridiculously busy, crazy, informative, educational, and fun. Everything Maker Faire is supposed to be. I spent the rest of the week last week recovering from some epic allergies, carting my busted laptop back and forth from the Apple store, and getting ready for my weekend birthday camping trip. More on the camping next time!

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